numberalogy no 7
The number 7 is the searcher, the scholar, the searcher of Truth (notice the capital "T"). The 7 doesn't fully trust anything - it is continually attempting to comprehend the fundamental, concealed truths. The 7 realizes that nothing is precisely as it appears and that the truth is regularly holed up behind figments.
A man who has an outline commanded by the 7 is normally effortlessly selected of a gathering. He will be to some degree contemplative, maybe modest (not to be mistaken for low confidence), never genuinely agreeable in social settings. The 7 is the scholarly person, however his acumen is not generally self-evident, particularly at an early age (as a youngster, Einstein was dyslexic and not especially brilliant or a decent understudy). His insight is that of a visionary, a scholarly adventurer of the cloud, the individual who has a tendency to have a to some degree odd viewpoint on his general surroundings. Many are keen on the otherworldly, not on account of they are devotees, but rather in light of the fact that it enables access to the uncertain, dynamic universe of inquiries for which there are no evident answers.
The 7 is profound, however not religious. Actually, the well established inquiries of what truly matters to life, what am we doing here, who am we, et cetera, never achieve the status of buzzwords, yet are basic to the 7's beneficial experience, and unless he finds the appropriate responses he won't quit searching for them until he bites the dust.
The 7 can be detached, detests babble and is safe to little disapproved of double-crossing. Cash makes no difference to him and he will never settle on a decision or a choice in light of a normal monetary result.
There is a dry, normally misconstrued comical inclination to the 7, yet he can't recall a solitary joke. He is not affable and never shallow. He has astounding taste and a characteristic love and comprehension of workmanship. He detests and totally disregards mold, and is pulled in to erratic, disagreeable individuals. The prominent "lovely" however shallow individuals bore him forever. He is not typically inspired by governmental issues but rather has a solid feeling of equity.
The 7 is physically lean and tall, yet not athletic and couldn't care less about games. 7s are not warriors, but rather you may discover a few people with the 7 ruling their graphs in the military, in all probability as investigators or key organizers. All the more regularly, be that as it may, you will discover them in the realm of scholastic and science. Police analysts, lab specialists and different professions where consistent, systematic examination of actualities are the principle prerequisites of the occupation.
7s are stubborn and tend to know something about everything, which can pester. They are not generally legitimate, frequently picking an additionally "intriguing" truth than the real truth. Many individuals are awkward around a 7 because of infiltrating eyes and the feeling that notwithstanding when he is by all accounts tuning in, he is really breaking down the state of your eyes and the fissure of your ear cartilage.
The 7 has a tendency to be an introvert. Ladies with predominant sevens are frequently lovely, in the event that you can move beyond the granny glasses and the recklessly picked garments. They don't prefer to complain before the mirror, yet can be extremely enchanting and will consume on a space brimming with men in any discourse, totally oblivious to the way that a hefty portion of them have something totally extraordinary at the top of the priority list.
On the negative side, the 7 can be pessimistic, verbally damaging, self-important and unaware of the torment and enduring of others. They can be unfeeling and barbarous demonstrating an absence of compassion. Other individuals' issues essentially don't intrigue them, yet with regards to their own inconveniences, they anticipate that everybody will feel for them. They are frightful and requesting patients, irritating know-it-all and outright impolite and ill-mannered. They can be narrow minded and hostile to social.
What is one of a kind about the 7 is that his (or her) psyche is his most prominent instrument and, in the meantime, his most noteworthy constraint. Judicious, adaptable and hungry for learning, the psyche of the 7 goes places different numbers once in a while accomplish. His creative energy is tremendous and capable, which guides him into the profound stratosphere few individuals ever reach - yet it is constantly mental and judicious, never divine. The fulfillment and bliss he finds from mental investigations enables him to spend extended periods in isolation and appreciate it. However, in the meantime, he puts excessively confidence in the energy of the brain, in this manner restricting the potential people have in encountering the pith of life, as it can be experienced just in feeling and not in words. It is said that on the off chance that you can talk the Tao, you don't have the foggiest idea about the Tao; in the event that you can talk the Word, you don't have the foggiest idea about the Word - life in its purest frame must be felt and experienced, never think. For the 7 to achieve a tallness of otherworldly intelligence, it must, as all others, go past the impediments of the psyche and enable celestial hush to spill its insider facts. It is the quintessence of the 7 that most symbolizes our battle to know and get it.
As I've already specified, my portrayals of the single digit numbers are outrageous and no person exists who reflects just a single number. I am attempting to pass on an instinctive and mental association with the identities of the single digit numbers; an understanding that in the end conveys you to know numbers not on the grounds that you have retained a series of characteristics and qualities, but since you know every one like you would a dear companion or relative - to the point that you can foresee how he or she would react in specific situations.
numberalogy no 7
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